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"Roll up, roll up ...[addressing the sheriff and referring to the wanted poster that depicts him] then I'll tell you where you put it ... Damn the sheriffs and who made them ... and ... [the sheriff gives the money to the Blond who delivered Tuco] here, here, he gives him the money now ... Judas! You sold my skin! Ah, but you do not enjoy them, you know ... oh no, you do not enjoy them because if there is some justice in this world, in medicine they end up, everyone! Do you see how much beautiful sand? Well, that's the desert, an oven that’s a hundred and fifty miles long, even the war is afraid to pass us. The Confederates escape from here, the Northers come from here, but here no one sets foot. Only you or me. Beautiful as a walk, do not you think? How did you tell me that time?”

“You see, the world is divided into two categories: who has the loaded gun and who digs. You dig?”


Quotes from the film: "The Good, the Bad, the Bad" by Sergio Leone.

The G7 in Canada started with fake smiles and forced handshakes only to end up with rabid tweets from US President Donald Trump. Among the leaders of the G7, perhaps already tomorrow’s G8, after the opening to Russia, we no longer understand who is with whom and above all who is the good, the bad and the ugly.
"Sorry, but we can no longer let our friends, or enemies, take advantage of us commercially. We have to give priority to American workers!” Trump tweeted in the aftermath of the meeting and went on to increase the dose." It's not fair to the American people! 800 billion dollars of trade deficit, "he said. "Why should I allow other nations to continue generating large surpluses as they have for many years while our growers, workers and payers have to pay such a high and unfair price for it?" Trump has also harshly criticized other NATO members for disproportionately smaller contributions than the United States to maintain the Atlantic alliance. “Germany contributes (slowly) with 1% of GDP to the budget of NATO, while we pay 4% of a much higher GDP. Does anyone believe that this makes sense? ", continues the president. Total war on all fronts. From foreign trade to NATO, up to injustice against the poor US and American farmers, perpetrated by the new "enemies-friends" of Europe, defined even worse than the Chinese.
Trump has nothing to lose, he thinks, with a deficit of these proportions. The attempt now is like in the film “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” to continue to create agreements with variable geometries, first with one country then with the other. The others of the G7 have understood this for some time, we must be united. The US alone is the most powerful country in the world with over 24% of world GDP, but the G7 together are stronger. Now however the United States can put tariffs. The truth is that at the markets, for now a commercial war does not matter. There are companies so global that in the face of tariffs they become stronger, because they have the possibility of moving production according to the tax and commercial regulations of the various countries. Then there are those whose duties are good. Finance is more liquid than industry and will therefore move faster to focus on companies that benefit from tariffs. Big internet fly over national barriers and this debate does not even frighten them. And so the Nasdaq remains on record levels, toast to Trump and the historic meeting with Kim Jong-un, everything else does not count. On the other side of the ocean, beyond politics, the numbers, the macro ones, instead paint some clouds in the sky. Eurozone industrial production is not as expected, while inflation at 1.9% is now one step ahead of the ECB target, of 2%, thanks to the rise in crude oil. The G7 is about to end; it's going to go down in history, like pre-Trump era.
The spread returns to make people talk about themselves. But it's not just the spread. For the Germans, investing in their bunds has become a drain: a yield of 0.6% against inflation three times higher ... Some people will not like it but "the world is divided into two categories: who has the gun and who digs" Yet, in the film, Tuco and Biondo, eternal rivals, have always found an agreement in the face of a common interest. When the interest was of only one, it was war. The beauty of finance is that it is watching, no matter who is the good, the bad or the ugly. To stay with those who will eventually take home the treasure chest. Apart from the techs and good bargains on the bonds, the time has not yet come to line up. There is hardly an agreement between the US, Europe and China, the tariffs are the next scenario. But it will not be a war, rather it will be an opportunity to select and reward companies that are stronger than tariffs, stronger than constraints because they offer indispensable products with high added value. This is the west ... "even the war is afraid to pass us" ...

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