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Week in pictures 02 Oct 2021

Here is the top news photograpy from the past week:

KATERYNIVKA: Members of the Ukrainian military chop wood in Katerynivka, Ukraine, near the Russian border on Tuesday, January 18. Tensions between Ukraine and Russia are high, with a Russian troop buildup at the border fueling fears over Moscow's intentions. The Kremlin has denied it is planning an invasion (Tyler Hicks/The New York Times/Redux)

DUBAI: An employee of the Sotheby's auction house holds a 555.55-carat black diamond known as "The Enigma" as it is unveiled in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on Monday, January 17. The rare gem is believed to have come from outer space — either created from a meteoric impact or from a "diamond-bearing" asteroid that collided with Earth (Kamran Jebreili/AP)

NEW YORK: Workers in New York City remove part of a statue of former US President Theodore Roosevelt outside the American Museum of Natural History on Thursday, January 20. The statue had stood outside the museum's entrance since 1940. The museum said it conveyed a "racial hierarchy that the museum and members of the public have long found disturbing” (Caitlin Ochs/Reuters)

LONDON: A plane flying over London is seen in front of the first full moon of the year on Monday, January 17 (Aaron Chown/PA/AP)

TONGA: An eruption occurs at an underwater volcano about 30 kilometers (18.6 miles) southeast of Tonga's Fonuafo'ou island on Friday, January 14.  The eruption also had effects across the Pacific, as tsunami warnings and advisories were issued from parts of New Zealand and Japan to the United States and Canada (Tonga Geological Services/Reuters)

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