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Week in pictures 03 Apr 2021

Here is the top news photography from the past week:

SUEZ CANAL: A man waves an Egyptian flag as the Ever Given container ship was refloated in Egypt's Suez Canal on Monday, March 29 (Suez Canal Authority/Reuters)

BARCELONA: People in Barcelona, Spain, attend a concert for the rock group Love of Lesbian on Saturday, March 27. Fans had to take a same-day Covid-19 test before attending the show, which was permitted by Spanish health authorities (Emilio Morenatti/AP)

ORURO: This aerial photo, taken on Sunday, March 28, shows a polluted section of the Tagarete River, which flows into the Uru Uru Lake near Oruro, Bolivia. Residents of the surrounding area have to go to Oruro to buy drinking water (Gaston Brito Miserocchi/Getty Images)

JERUSALEM: Priests circle the Holy Sepulchre during Holy Thursday Mass led by the Latin Patriarch in the Old City of Jerusalem, on April 1, 2021 (Maya Alleruzzo / AP)

MOSCOW: People walk in Red Square, in front of the GUM department store in downtown Moscow, Russia, on March 27, 2021 (Natalia Kolesnikova / AFP / Getty)

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