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Week in pictures 04 Sep 2021

Here is the top news photograpy from the past week: 

KABUL: US Army Maj. Gen. Chris Donahue, commanding general of the 82nd Airborne, boards a C-17 military transport plane to depart Kabul on Tuesday, August 31. He was the last US soldier to leave the country (Master Sgt. Alexander Burnett/U.S. Army/AP)

NEW YORK: Vehicles sit in a flooded expressway in Brooklyn, New York, early on Thursday, September 2. Torrential rain from Hurricane Ida's remnants caused deadly flooding in parts of the Northeast and the Mid-Atlantic (Ed Jones/AFP/Getty Images)

GALLIANO: A palm tree is bent in half in Galliano, Louisiana, on Tuesday, August 31. It was a couple of days after Hurricane ida made landfall In Louisiana (Luke Sharrett/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

TOKYO: Chinese swimmer Zheng Tao, center, competes in the 100-meter freestyle during the Paralympic Games in Tokyo on Thursday, August 26 (Adam Pretty/Getty Images)

KANDAHAR: A helicopter displays a Taliban flag over supporters in Kandahar, Afghanistan, as they celebrate the US withdrawal from the country on Wednesday, September 1 (Javed Tanveer/AFP/Getty Images)

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