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Week in pictures 06 Feb 2021

Here is the top news photography from the past week:

MYITKYINA: Soldiers ride armored vehicles two days after the country's military seized a power in a coup. Wednesday, February 3 (Photohraph STR/AFP/Getty Images)

BOCA CHICA: SpaceX's Starship SN9, an early prototype for a rocket the company hopes will carry the first humans to Mars, explodes after a crash landing in Texas, on Tuesday, February 2 (Photograph Gene Blevins/Reuters)

BIG SUR: A huge piece of California's Highway 1 was washed out by a winter storm that brought heavy rain and snow. The section, near Big Sur, is seen here on Sunday, January 31 (Photograph Josh Edelson/AFP/Getty Images)

NIDDERAU: A train passes a flooded railroad, on Wednesday, February 3 (Photograph Michael Probst/AP)

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