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Week in pictures 11 Sep 2021

Here is the top news photograpy from the past week: 

KABUL: Journalists from Afghanistan's Etilaatroz newspaper — video journalist Nemat Naqdi, left, and video editor Taqi Daryabi — undress to show wounds they sustained after Taliban fighters tortured and beat them while in custody. They had been arrested while reporting on a women’s rights protest in Kabul on Wednesday, September 8 (Marcus Yam/Los Angeles Times/Getty Images)

VANDENBERG: Firefly Aerospace's first Alpha rocket bursts into flames after launching from California's Vandenberg Space Force Base north of Los Angeles on Thursday, September 2. The Texas-based startup was hoping to put a rocket into orbit on what was its first-ever launch attempt (Gene Blevins/Reuters)

SAO PAULO: People in São Paulo, Brazil, show support for embattled President Jair Bolsonaro during an Independence Day demonstration on Tuesday, September 7 (Miguel Schincariol/AFP/Getty Images)

PARIS: Republican Guards carry the coffin of the legenedary french actor Jean-Paul Belmondo after a tribute ceremony in Paris on Thursday, September 9 (Michel Euler/AP)

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