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Week in pictures 13 Feb 2021

Here is the top news photography from the past week:

WASHINGTON DC: House impeachment managers walk through National Statuary Hall on their way to the Senate chamber for the start of the impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump on Capitol Hill (Photograph: Michael Reynolds/EPA)

PARIS: Nathan skis down the Montmartre hill near the Sacre Coeur Basilica in Paris, as winter weather with snow and cold temperatures hit the northern regions of France, February 10 (Photograph Reuters/Antony Paone)

BANGKOK: A traditional Chinese opera actress wearing a face shield poses for a picture during Lunar New Year celebrations in Bangkok, Thailand, February 12 (Photograph Reuters/Chalinee Thirasupa)

DOHUK: People and security members run away as animal rights activists release a bear into the wild in Dohuk, Iraq, February 11, 2021 (Photograph Reuters/Ari Jalal)

MELBOURNE: As some players blame a Covid-19 quarantine for stunting their preparation for the Australian Open, Serena Williams so far appears unaffected (Photograph Paul Crok/AFP via Getty Images)

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