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Week in pictures 15 May 2021

Here is the top news photography from the past week:

GAZA: A fire rages in Khan Yunis, Gaza, following an Israeli airstrike on Wednesday, May 12. Tensions between Israelis and Palestinians escalated this week (Youssef Massoud/AFP/Getty Images)

KAZAN: A girl lays flowers near a school after a shooting in Kazan, Russia, on Tuesday, May 11 (Roman Kruchinin/AP)

KABUL: People perform a funeral ceremony Sunday, May 9, for one of the girls killed in a bomb attack in Kabul, Afghanistan (Kiana Hayeri/The New York Times/Redux)

BOGOTA: People burn debris in a street as they take part in an anti-government protest in Bogota, Colombia, on Monday, May 10 (Federico Rios/The New York Times/Redux)

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