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Week in pictures 24 Apr 2021

Here is the top news photography from the past week:

MINNEAPOLIS: People await the verdict in the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on April 20, in Houston, Texas. Chauvin was convicted on all three charges in the murder of George Floyd (Callaghan O'Hare/Reuters)

WINDSOR: Britain's Queen Elizabeth II takes her seat at the funeral of her husband, Prince Philip on April 17 in Windsor, England (Jonathan Brady/WPA Pool/Getty Images)

LONDON: Football supporters protest against the proposed European Super League outside of Stamford Bridge football stadium in London on April 20 (Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty Images)

CAPE TOWN: Flames burn close to the city after a bushfire broke out on Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, on Monday, April 19 (Mike Hutchings/Reuters)

AUCKLAND: Passengers from Australia are greeted by friends and relatives at the Auckland Airport on Monday, April 19, in Auckland, New Zealand. The two-way travel bubble between Australia and New Zealand opened on Monday, allowing passengers to move quarantine-free between both countries for the first time in more than a year (James D. Morgan/Getty Images). 

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