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Week in pictures 26 Jun 2021

Here is the top news photography from the past week:

MUNICH: A protester holding a rainbow flag runs in front of Hungary's soccer team before a Euro 2020 match in Munich, Germany, on Wednesday, June 23. Earlier this month, Hungary's parliament passed legislation that bans all educational materials and programs for children which are considered to promote homosexuality, gender reassignment and the concept of sexuality deviating from the one assigned to a person at birth (Matthias Hangst/Pool Photo via AP)

MINNEAPOLIS: Derek Chauvin, the former police officer who killed George Floyd on a Minneapolis street last year, was sentenced to 22 and half years in prison Friday, June 24 (Cnn)

KABUL: Afghan militiamen join Afghan government forces in Kabul on Wednesday, June 23. Afghanistan's defense ministry is working with warlords to mobilize local militias across the country to try to stem the tide of the latest Taliban gains (Rahmat Gul/AP)

ROME: Pope Francis shakes hands with a man dressed as Spider-Man while visiting with people at the Vatican on Wednesday, June 23. The masked man, who works with sick children in hospitals, also gave a Spider-Man mask to the Pope (Andrew Medichini/AP)

SURFSIDE: A 12-story residential building partially collapsed Thursday, June 24, in the South Florida community of Surfside, killing at least one person and sparking an intense search-and-rescue effort. Nearly 100 people were still unaccounted for as of Thursday afternoon (Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images)

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