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Week in pictures 9 Apr 2022

SHANGHAI: Roads are empty in Shanghai, China, on Tuesday, April 5, as the country continues to battle its biggest wave yet of Covid-19 (Qilai Shen/Bloomberg/Getty Images)

BRASILIA: Indigenous men taking part in the annual Terra Livre Indigenous Camp protest in Brasilia, Brazil, on Wednesday, April 6. The 10-day gathering is held by indigenous people from tribes all over Brazil, and they use the event to call for greater protection of their land and rights (Carl De Souza/AFP/Getty Images)

TIJUANA: Ukrainian refugees wait on the Mexican side of the US-Mexico border as they seek asylum in the United States on Monday, April 4. Hundreds of Ukrainians  had arrived in Tijuana and more were expected (Guillermo Arias/AFP/Getty Images)

TEL AVIV: A woman reacts at the scene of a shooting In Tel Aviv, Israel, April 7, 2022. The shooting occurred in a crowded area with several bars and restaurants (AP)

SACRAMENTO: Candles and flowers make up a memorial at a memorial for those killed and injured in a mass shooting April 3 in Sacramento, California (Rich Pedroncelli/AP)

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